FINALLY, they have a nice, nearby convenience store where they can pop in and pick up milk, bread, soft drinks and snacks, in the morning on the way to work, in the evening on the way home, or on the weekend for a loft party.

Jeter knew what she was doing. On May 31, 2005, she opened The Neighborhood Market in the heart of Downtown Birmingham. The small, upscale convenience store targets the ever-growing loft district. The convenient store offers a quaint, intimate setting for busy people in the Downtown locale. Business has been brisk since she opened.

She says she chose the Downtown area because of the open mindedness of the people and the growth currently taking place in that area.

The New York native draws inspiration and encouragement from her husband, Robert, a Birmingham native. He owns a barbershop/clothing store in Woodlawn that has been serving the urban Birmingham community for 15 years.

Jeter and a friend initially formed a partnership to bring her business dreams to fruition. The partner left Alabama, but Robert encouraged her to continue with her plans.

Jeter was determined not to work hard for anybody else the rest of her life. Rather, she wanted to use that energy and effort spent on making an employer rich to start her own business and contribute to her community, as well as her own household.

“I wanted a business that would do well and provide for the family. I wanted a clothing store at first, but after I did my research, I found that a convenience store would be more practical in this area,” she says.

Jeter watched the Downtown space in the Fix Play Building for quite some time. Meanwhile, she worked to develop a business plan with help from her husband and Edith Ingram, the business coach at the Central Alabama Women’s Business Center. Jeter took the plan to Sloss Realty, which rents space in the building, and things took off from there.

In her quest, Jeter learned the importance of having excellent credit in order to move a business venture forward. “It is not an issue of having a lot of money, but your credit must be up to par,” she says.

Jeter wanted her store to have a contemporary look, so she chose hardwood floors and wooden shelves to radiate ambiance and class. Her goal is to create a homey, welcoming atmosphere that would make shoppers feel comfortable.

Now that the store is up and running, Jeter is making plans to expand it in the future. “I’m still growing and I’m trying to get sandwiches and salads in here. I really want to have coffee and specialty items. I also have wireless Internet services available to customers.”

With reasonable prices, she wants her customers to know that this is THEIR local neighborhood market. “I plan to meet the shopping needs of this community to the best of my ability. Stay loyal to me and I promise to do the same.”

The Neighborhood Market is located at 2310 First Avenue North. You can reach Beth Jeter at (205) 583-4755.